Meet the Team!

Hi, I’m Matt!

I live in Northern Minnesota and am the Creator of the BadAss Rabbits project.

I’m also the Artist, Smart Contract Writer, Web Designer, Game Creator/Developer and Marketing Team.

Whenever I’m not working in one of the above mentioned roles, I enjoy spending time with my wife, taking photos of nature and dancing.

Hi, I’m Finn!

I’m an orange tabby cat.

I’m also the Art Consultant, Good Vibes Ambassador, Resident Troublemaker and Head of Emotional Support.

Whenever I’m not working in one of the above mentioned roles, I enjoy birdwatching, going outside and drinking out of faucets.

Hi, I’m Lola!

I’m a Siamese cat and while I look young, I’m over 18 years old.

I’m also the Marketing Consultant, Breaktime Advocate, Treat Aficionado and Head of the Antagonizing Finn Department.

Whenever I’m not working in one of the above mentioned roles, I enjoy napping, sitting on laps and eating tuna.