Special Thanks!

While the project team is me and two cats, I couldn’t have pulled this off without the endless encouragement and love from my beautiful wife.

What? A Sneak Peek?

Also, I would not have been able to do this without the support, advice, direction and encouragement from my friends and family in great communities.

I’d like to give a quick shoutout to a couple of them.

Doodlegenics NFT project and Community.

This community is full of bright and caring people who remain loyal through any bear or bull market.

Please follow them on Twitter, join their Discord and if financially able to, pick up a Doodlegenics Bear.


Courtesy of Doodlegenics
Courtesy of Hamburga Havoc

Hamburga Havoc NFT Project and Community.

This community is a ton of fun and the project founder/artist is driven to deliver a quality project that’s beautiful and provides tons of utility.

Please follow Hamburga Havoc on Twitter, join their Discord and if financially able, please help keep these Hamburgas from causing more havoc.

Of course, DYOR but both these NFT projects are already immersed in the metaverse and are taking full advantage of what Web3 and future technologies have to offer.

Finally, I’d like to give endless thanks to all my followers, supporters, those who know life happens Accidentally On Purpose, the haters and naysayers, the super fans, Emperor Norton I, the whales and all the musicians I listened to while creating all this.