
A collection of NFTs isn’t a collection without a community and a community needs utility.

For those who don’t know, I’m doing this on my own. I’m beyond fortunate to be a part of two communities who have offered endless advice, direction and support but I took the notes, planned it out and have been working hard to give you, the BadAss Rabbits (BAR) community.


The PFP NFTs will be highly collectible and/or a quick flip.

Why? Each BAR represents 1 of 4 Burrows.

If financially able to, one would benefit from holding a BAR from each burrow.

To maintain interest in the project. Bounty hunts for Floor Rabbits will be held with the winner receiving Sol or NFTs.

3 months after Mint, top five wallets holding the most BAR will be airdropped a limited edition, 1/1 BAR NFT. These BAR have already been created and are waiting to be send to the Top Rabbits.


Rabbit Attack is a great starter game for the BAR community.

The game is currently available for anyone to play and will continue to be open to the public.

However, shortly after Mint/Sellout, a version will be placed on a token gated page.

Once a BAR Holder connects their wallet, they will be able to accrue points and move up the leaderboard.

Merch and Prizes-

Quarterly winners and the winning burrow, announced Q4, 2023, will all receive merch or nfts as prizes.

This could include and isn’t limited to, stickers, coloring books, calendars, posters and eventually, hoodies and shirts.

This merch will also be available for sale.

Perks in the Works-

In addition to merch, there will be many other benefits for BAR holders.

The plan is to purchase a plot in the metaverse for the BAR community.

We will hold events and showcase BAR community members NFT projects with a focus on 1/1 artists.

We want to help 1/1 artists gain the recognition they deserve. The BAR community will help these artists, along with any other BAR community member learn how to create a solid project from scratch via educational posts and online classes.